3. Modules

Each of the modules exposed by this project are suggested by the author to be thought of as a namespace that contains functions related to the module that they’re a part of. There are a number of modules which are exposed by default whereas others such as tools are available via the “tools” namespace.

3.1. Available modules

These modules compose the majority of this project and provide various tools that allow one to interact with the IDA database. These are each named according to the context they interact with.

3.2. Miscellaneous modules

These miscellaneous modules expose things that a user might care to interact with. Eventually some of these modules will be migrated into the base modules.

3.3. Tools module

These modules are accessed via the `tools` namespace and provide higher-level abstractions that allow one to interact with some of the features provided by the plugin or to interact with the database in soem generalized way.