1. Installation of IDA-Minsc

To install IDA-Minsc on whichever platform that you may have installed IDA in, it simply requires you to clone the repository into a directory of your choosing. After the repository has been cloned, you will then need to copy the plugins/minsc.py file into their IDA user directory and then modify its contents in order to assign the path that you have cloned the repository into. After it has been modified, when starting up IDA you should then notice that the “About Minsc” menu item is listed under your currently installed plugins.

However, if you are using an “older” version of IDA Pro or you want the modules provided by the plugin to be accessible by other plugins, you may need to use the global installation methodology (at section 1.6). This ensures that IDA-Minsc is loaded immediately after IDA has been started and before any other plugins have loaded. To install it in this manner, the main idea is that the “idapythonrc.py” file from the IDA-Minsc repository is executed by IDAPython when the user starts up IDA. This can be done by cloning the IDA-Minsc repository directly into the IDA user directory so that when IDAPython starts up, the IDA-Minsc loader will be executed during IDAPython’s initialization. Once this is complete, other plugins should then have access to the available functionality.

In summary, you will be performing the following steps for installing IDA-Minsc as a plugin.

  1. Ensure that Git is installed, IDA Pro works and you can use IDAPython.
  2. Using Git, clone the repository at https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc in a directory of your choosing.
  3. Install the Python requirements using the Python package manager (pip) with the "requirements.txt" file in the plugin directory.
  4. Edit the "plugins/minsc.py" file in the plugin directory so that it points at whatever directory you cloned the repository into.
  5. Deploy your modified "plugins/minsc.py" file into the “plugins” sub-directory of your IDA user directory.
  6. Run IDA Pro and ensure that the plugin is listed and works.

That’s it!

1.1. Software Requirements

This plugin requires IDA Pro disassembler [1] to be installed along with its IDAPython plugin. To download the IDA-Minsc plugin, the Git [2] software is also required. This puts the responsibility for updating the software in your hands and forces you to update it yourself. This is preferred by the author instead of running arbitrary scripts over the internet, mostly because the author is vehemently opposed to the many auto-updating systems that are pervasive throughout all of our software. You may download Git at [3] and then run it in order to get it installed. This should put “git” within your PATH and allow you to run it from the command line. This is necessary as it will be used for cloning the repository [4] that contains the actual plugin.

Currently, IDA versions 6.8 up to 8.0.220729 [5] are supported by the plugin along with both versions of the Python interpreter [6]. This means that both the Python 3.x series and the older Python 2.x series should be usable. However, the installation steps described within this document assume that you have Python 3.10 installed [7] and that it is also accessible via the command line. If this is not the case, you may need to follow additional steps in order to install Python and get it working within your instance of IDA Pro. If your situation is different, please contact the author at [8], so that the documentation can be updated.

If you have already installed IDA and realized that another plugin that you are interested in using requires you to use Python 2.x for it to work, please review the Downgrading the IDAPython version to Python 2.x for other plugins section for your platform which describes how to switch between the different versions. To be clear, none of this is required for the IDA-Minsc plugin and is instead only described in order to support older versions of other plugins that you may depend on in your reversing endeavors.

1.1.1. Cloning the repository

To install the plugin, the contents of the repository will need to be cloned with Git into a directory of your choosing. After you have downloaded the Git software and installed it [3], you should then be able to clone the repository containing the plugin [4] into your desired installation directory. If you’re using the command line to clone the plugin repository, you will first need to navigate to your desired installation directory and then you can run the following if “git” is within your PATH.

$ cd /path/to/installation/directory/
$ git clone https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc

This should result in the repository being cloned underneath the current directory. Afterwards, you can proceed with installing any of the required Python dependencies.

1.1.2. Required Python dependencies

This project depends on a small number of Python modules that you will need to install into Python’s “site-packages” directory. These modules are mostly used to provide a reasonable graph implementation, but there are other modules which are used for retaining compatibility between either Python3 or Python2.

To install these required modules you can use the “pip” tool which comes with Python to install them. In the root of the repository, there’s a file “requirements.txt” that you can use to accomplish this. This file contains the required dependencies and can be installed by executing the following while in the directory that you cloned the repository into.

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

This should install all of the required Python dependencies, and then you can proceed with installing the actual plugin. There are two ways to install the plugin. The plugin methodology which requires you to modify a file and manually deploy it within the plugin directory, and then the global methodology (section 1.6) which is only necessary if you want to expose some of the functionality of IDA-Minsc to other plugins that you may have installed.


  1. Hex Rays: IDA Disassembler — https://hex-rays.com/ida-pro/ida-disassembler/
  2. Git: Local branching on the cheap — https://git-scm.com
  3. Git: Downloads — https://git-scm.com/downloads
  4. IDA-Minsc repository — https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc
  5. Hex Rays: IDA 8.0 released — https://hex-rays.com/blog/ida-8-0-released/
  6. Python: Welcome to Python.org — https://www.python.org/
  7. Python: Downloading Python 3.10.6 — https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/Download
  8. IDA-Minsc: Python issues — https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc/issues

1.2. Installing the actual plugin

Once the repository has been cloned into a directory of your choice, you will need to modify the “./plugins/minsc.py” file from the repository to point it to whichever directory you cloned the repository into. After it’s been properly modified, you can then deploy it into the IDA user directory [1].

Near the very top of “./plugins/minsc.py” file, you should see the following code which is a variable that tells the plugin where its repository is actually located. By default it uses the current IDA user directory for the prior installation method that is described in section 1.6, but it can actually be changed to reference any directory that you prefer.

# :: Point this variable at the directory containing the repository of the plugin ::
root = idaapi.get_user_idadir()

It is this variable that you will need to modify to point at the directory that you cloned the repository into. As this is Python, you will need to keep in mind that the directory will need to be specified as a string and will require any escaping as is necessary for whatever path you specify.

As an example, if you have cloned the repository into “C:\Users\Guest\IDA-Minsc”, you would modify the variable in the file as so:

# :: Point this variable at the directory containing the repository of the plugin ::
#root = idaapi.get_user_idadir()
root = 'C:/Users/Guest/ida-minsc'

# If you prefer backslashes, make sure you escape them.
root = 'C:\\Users\\Guest\\ida-minsc'

After the file has been modified, it is then ready to be depoyed into your IDA user directory under the sub-directory labeled “plugins”. On the Windows platform, the IDA Pro user directory is typically found at “%APPDATA%/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro” whereas on Linux or MacOS the path to this directory can be found under “$HOME/.idapro”. If you’re not sure of the path that IDA’s user directory is located at, you can simply execute the following at the IDAPython prompt to print out its location.

> print(idaapi.get_user_idadir())

Once knowing the location of the IDA user directory and identifying your “plugins” directory, you can then copy the modified “./plugins/minsc.py” file into it. To ensure this directory exists, you can execute the following at the IDAPython prompt which first creates the directory (which could raise an exception if it already exists), and then output the exact location that you will need to copy the “./plugins/minsc.py” file into.

> plugins = idaapi.get_user_idadir() + '/plugins'
> import os
> os.makedirs(plugins)
> print(plugins + '/')

Once your modified “plugins/minsc.py” file has been copied to this location, the plugin should be installed and whenever you startup IDA, the “About Minsc” menu item will be visible in the plugins list. The plugins list can be found within the menu system of IDA under “Edit” 🠞 “Plugins”.

1.2.1. Sanity checking the installation

To check that IDA-Minsc has been installed properly, you should be able to just startup your instance of IDA and check your Plugins menu under “Edit” 🠞 “Plugins”. If the plugin has been successfully loaded, the “About Minsc” menu item should be listed in the plugins menu. An alternative way to check if the plugin has been installed is to do it programmatically. To do this, ensure that the IDAPython prompt is selected as “Python” (not “IDC”) and then execute the following:

> database.config.version()

This should return a number (typically 0 due to there being no database loaded). If this is successful, then you should now have access to the modules that compose IDA-Minsc. If you have problems with this process, please feel free to open up an issue under GitHub’s issue tracker for the project [2].


  1. IDA Help: Environment variables (%IDAUSR%) — https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/idadoc/1375.shtml
  2. IDA-Minsc: Installation issues — https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc/issues

1.3. Using the actual plugin

The plugin cleans up the default namespace so that a number of Python’s features can be used in order to see what is currently available. This allows you to use a function such as help() for identifying what parameters are best or dir() to list all the functions that you have created during a reversing session. The aim of this is to allow you to automate simple things, or to do more advanced things such as pickling your entire session to disk so that you can resume it later between distinctly separate instances of IDA.

To get access to help, it is recommended by the author to use either the Python help() function, or to use the ? shortcut that is provided the IDAPython command line (”?database.functions”). This avoids the need of having to use any external documentation when hacking together a script that is needed to import or export information from the database. Some examples of using the help() function are as follows:

> help(database)
> help(function)

Similarly, to list the functions that you have defined within your current namespace, you can use the dir() function to list both the functions and variables. Likewise, you can access the contents of the namespace using the globals() function in various ways to filter things that you’ve already defined. Some basic examples of doing this are as follows:

> dir()
> [name for name, item in globals().items() if not isinstance(item, type(sys))]
> [name for name, item in globals().items() if not isinstance(item, type(sys)) and not hasattr(v, '__module__')]

Another aspect that the user may find useful as they get more accustomed to using the features provided by the plugin is the ability to query the tags that they have assigned within their database. For the sake of brevity, this can be used to query the various parts of your database such as global addresses (via database.select()), function contents (via function.select()), types (via structure.select()), or their members (via structure.members_t.select()). Tagging is described in detail at section 2.2, but one of the most common things that you may want to query will be within the contents of your functions. Thus, another utility you may find useful would be the following:

> def selectall(*args, **kwargs):
>     for fn, tags in database.selectcontents(*args, **kwargs):
>         for ea, results in func.select(fn, *tags):
>             yield ea, results
>         continue
>     return

It is recommended by the author that you include some of these example utility functions, or import modules that can be used for serialization or deserialization of Python objects (such as pickle or dill) within your default namespace. Customization of your default namespace is described in the next section.

1.3.1. Customizing the default namespace

If you wish to import your own modules, or define custom functionality using the tooling that is provided by IDA-Minsc, you can simply add them to a file in your home directory using the “$HOME/.idapythonrc.py” path or the equivalent path, “$USERPROFILE/.idapythonrc.py”, used by the Windows platform.

By default when IDA-Minsc starts up, the standard Python interpreter logic is executed followed by the loading process for the plugin which will try to locate the “.idapythonrc.py” file within your home (or user profile) directory. Once this is located, it will then evaluated at startup. Similarly, when a you open up a database with IDA, the plugin will also look for a file in the same directory as the database with the name “idapythonrc.py”. If it is found, the plugin will execute the script when the database has been loaded.

As mentioned, these files can allow you to define functions that you may find useful or to add aliases for the more common ones that you may use. If you wish to attach custom hooks or key bindings using the ui module (section 4.5), this would be the place to add them. By default the following functions are available from IDAPython when you start up IDA Pro.

alias name   description of alias
h() Aliased from database.here() which will return the current address
top() Aliased from function.top() which will return the top address of the current function chunk
go() Aliased from database.go() which will navigate to the provided address
goof() Aliased from database.go_offset() which will navigate to the specified offset from the lowest address in the database
hex() An extended version of Python’s hex() function that works with integers, bytes, bytearrays, and lists.
p() Aliased from Python’s print() function.
pp() Aliased from Python’s pprint.pprint() function.
pp() Aliased from Python’s pprint.pformat() function.

There are also a number of combinators that are exposed to the user via the default namespace if the user is familiar with that style of programming. Please see the section on Functional combinators for more information on how these may be used.

Some of the base types that can be used for checking their types with isinstance() are also included in the default namespace. For more information on these types, it is recommended to use the help() function on an instance of the type when you discover one.

class or type   description
register_t The base type that registers are inherited from and that can be resolved if you are using the debugger
symbol_t A type that is used to represent objects that may be composed of other symbols and whose individual coponents may be enumerated. An example of this can be found via the instruction.op() function.
bounds_t A tuple describing a range of memory addresses
location_t A tuple describing a location by address and size
ref_t A tuple describing a memory address reference that is read from (r), written to (w), or executed (x)
opref_t A tuple describing an instruction operand reference that is either reading from (r), writing to (w), or executing (x) the described address

In order to shorten the typing required to access the more commonly used parts of the plugin API, most of the available modules are aliased as shorter and thus easier to remember names. Thus to access these parts of the API, you can use these aliases instead of the full module name to get access to them.

module name   alias name
database Aliased as db
function Aliased as func
instruction Aliased as ins
structure Aliased as struc
enumeration Aliased as enum
segment Aliased as seg
ui Is not aliased

It is recommended by the author that the user use help() to explore these modules when trying to identify certain aspects of functionality that the user may want to use when querying their database or scripting different parts of IDA Pro. The author has attempted to name these modules and the functions within using actual words based on English and has also tried to group related functionality within their specific context. Thus, the only thing you should need to remember when using an API is whether you want to use an address or not. The names of the functions within the module are of course debatable, and as such if you believe something should be named differently or another alias should be included, please report an issue.

1.4. Help with scripting or reporting issues

There is a wiki that is hosted at the plugin’s repository page [1] which may contain more information that might be worth reading. If you have any questions about scripting parts of your reverse-engineering session [2] or issues that may need to be reported [3], please do not hesitate to ask.


  1. IDA-Minsc: Wiki — https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc/wiki/
  2. IDA-Minsc: Issues — https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc/issues
  3. IDA-Minsc: Questions — https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc/issues
  4. IDA-Minsc: Plugin issues — https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc/issues

1.5. Compatibility with other plugins

This plugin “aims” to be friendly with a number of other plugins that a user may use to script themself out of a job. Some plugins that the author has found useful or interesting and may be worth checking out are listed below.

  1. IPyIDA: https://github.com/eset/ipyida

    This plugin provides an IPython (Jupyter) interface for editing IDAPython scripts. IPython/Jupyter is a “notebook interface” as popularized by Stephen Wolfram’s Mathematica which combines some aspects of Knuth’s ideas from “Literate Programming” into an elegant interface for writing code.

  2. PyKd: https://githomelab.ru/pykd/pykd

    This is not an IDA plugin, but is rather a combination of Windbg extension and Python module. It exposes the WinDbg API via Python and allows one to interact with all of the various aspects of WinDbg using its general API. The author of IDA-Minsc used to maintain a different project, PyDbgEng, but decided against it once the author of PyKd released this particular project.

  3. BinSync: https://github.com/angr/binsync

    A collaboration environment that also aims to serialize and deserialize information out of all of the disassemblers and decompilers so that reverse-engineering artifacts can be shared with other users. What makes it unique is that it also includes support for the different debuggers allowing one to exchange information between both static and runtime reverse-engineering tools.

  4. Sark: https://sark.readthedocs.io/

    A well-documented object-oriented wrapper around the IDAPython API with the aim of simplifying some of the more tedious parts of IDAPython. This plugin also includes wrappers to ease the writing and distribution of user-written plugins that utilize this library.

  5. Bip: https://synacktiv.github.io/bip/build/html/index.html

    Another well-documented object-oriented wrapper around the IDAPython API. This plugin seems to provide more interaction with the lower-level parts of IDAPython and includes support for Hex-Rays.

If you find any other plugins that may be useful to combine with IDA-Minsc or a plugin that may “compete” with any of its capabilities, feel free to contact the author [4] about getting it added to this list.


  1. IPyIDA: IPython console integration for IDA Pro — https://github.com/eset/ipyida
  2. PyKD: DbgEng (windbg) wrappers for Python — https://githomelab.ru/pykd/pykd
  3. BinSync: Collaborative Reversing — https://github.com/angr/binsync
  4. Sark: IDAPython plugin and scripting library — https://sark.readthedocs.io
  5. BIP: Object-oriented IDAPython library — https://synacktiv.github.io/bip/build/html/index.html

1.6. Alternative installation methodologies

The following section describes other ways that the plugin may be installed or how to customize which version of the Python interpreter that the IDAPython plugin will use in order for it to remain compatible with older plugins or older versions of IDA Pro.

1.6.1. Installing the plugin “globally”

To install the plugin in this manner, the contents of the repository must be cloned or extracted into the IDA user directory. This has the effect of ensuring the plugin is run before any of the other plugins. The repository to be cloned can be located at the referenced URL on GitHub [1]. On the Windows platform, IDA Pro’s user directory can be typically found at the “%APPDATA%/Roaming/Hex-Rays/IDA Pro” directory whereas on Linux or MacOS the path to this directory can be found at “$HOME/.idapro” [2]. If the user is not sure where the path of the IDA user directory is located at, they can simply execute the following at the IDAPython prompt to output the correct path:

> print idaapi.get_user_idadir()

To then clone the repository, one can use Git [3]. When cloning, the directory containing the plugin’s repository should replace the contents of the IDA user directory. If there are any existing files that the user currently has in their IDA user directory, the user can simply move these files into the repository’s directory after cloning. This is done so that IDAPython will execute the “idapythonrc.py” file that is in the root of the IDA-Minsc repository upon startup. The following can be typed at the command line in order to clone the repository of the plugin [1] directly into the IDA user directory:

$ git clone https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc $IDA_USERDIR/./

Once this has been correctly done and the Python dependencies are installed, then when IDA starts up, the “idapythonrc.py” file in the repository should be executed resulting in the IDAPython namespace being replaced with the namespace belonging to the plugin.

After the repository has been cloned, you will then need to install any of the Required Python dependencies and then you can proceed to Sanity checking the installation.


  1. IDA-Minsc — https://github.com/arizvisa/ida-minsc
  2. IDA Help: Environment variables (%IDAUSR%) — https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/idadoc/1375.shtml
  3. Git: Local branching on the cheap — https://git-scm.com

1.6.2. Downgrading the IDAPython version to Python 2.x for other plugins

The Python 2.x series has since been deprecated due to the compatibility-breaking changes that have been introduced with the Python 3.x series [1]. However, the user may still wish to use plugins or modules that only exist within the Python 2.x series. As a result of this deprecation, when installing later versions of IDAPython, the installer will let you choose which version of Python to use [2]. After choosing your version of Python and completing the installation process, IDAPython will appear to be locked to that particular version without doing a complete re-install.

If you have chosen Python 3.x, then some desired third-party plugins might not work with your setup, or some modules might not be available until you switch your Python interpreter. This however does not affect any part of the IDA-Minsc plugin, and the choice of choosing a Python version is left completely up to the user. To temporary switch the interpreter that IDAPython uses, IDA provides a couple of avenues that a user can take [3]. Earlier versions of IDAPython

When installing IDA Pro, all of the available plugins that are currently installed can be found under the “plugins” subdirectory [4]. On Windows, this directory is commonly found at a path that is similar to “C:\Program Files\IDA 7.x\plugins”. Whereas on Linux, the plugins can be found under the “$HOME/idapro/plugins” directory. On the MacOS platform, this directory is likely “/Applications/IDA Pro/ida.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins”.

Platform Path to the IDA Pro plugins directory
Windows C:\Program Files\IDA 7.x\plugins
Linux $HOME/idapro-7.x/plugins
MacOS /Applications/IDA Pro/ida.app/Contents/MacOS/plugins

This “plugins” directory contains a number of shared objects or dynamic libraries belonging to each individual plugin for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the IDA Pro application [4]. Thus this path is where either the user or the IDA Pro installer would’ve installed the IDAPython plugin. Regardless of what the user specified during the install (Python 2.x or Python 3.x), the IDA Pro installer installs both versions of the IDAPython plugin into this directory.

To accommodate the version of the IDAPython plugin that was chosen by the user, the installer will use the filename suffix of the plugin to disable the version that was not desirable by the user. Thus in order to enable a plugin, one will simply need to rename the filename to include whichever suffix that corresponds to the platform’s shared library. This way when IDA Pro loads, it will see the shared object or dynamic library and initialize it as a plugin.

Platform Shared library name Shared library suffix Reference
Windows plugin/python.dll .dll [5]
Linux plugin/python.so .so [6]
MacOS plugin/python.dylib .dylib [7]

The following table shows the filenames that are used by IDA for some of the known platforms. Thus in order to enable Python 2.x and be able to use this plugin, the user must rename the filename suffix of the currently enabled IDAPython plugin (which would be Python 3.x if explicitly chosen during the install process) to its disabled version effectively disabling it.

Once the Python 3.x version of the IDAPython plugin has been disabled, then the Python 2.x version can be enabled by doing the opposite and renaming the file from its disabled version to its enabled version.

Platform Python2 (disabled) Python3 (disabled) Filename (enabled)
Windows (32-bit) idapython2.disabled idapython3.disabled idapython.dll
Windows (64-bit) idapython642.disabled idapython643.disabled idapython64.dll
Linux (32-bit) idapython2.so.disabled idapython3.so.disabled idapython.so
Linux (64-bit) idapython2_64.so.disabled idapython3_64.so.disabled idapython64.so
MacOS (32-bit) idapython.2.disabled idapython.3.disabled idapython.dylib
MacOS (64-bit) idapython64.2.disabled idapython64.3.disabled idapython64.dylib

For more information on troubleshooting issues related to the Python interpreter, please review the article at [8]. Later versions of IDAPython

Within the directory that IDA Pro was installed, are a number of directories containing the necessary components and assets for the application to run. Under this same directory is all the necessary files required for IDAPython to work. These files can be found under the “python” subdirectory of IDA Pro’s user directory [4]. On Windows, this path in the user directory is found at “C:\Program Files\Hex-Rays\IDA Pro\python”. On Linux, the path can be “$HOME/idapro/python” depending on the location of the user directory, and then lastly on the MacOS platform the directory at “/Applications/IDA Pro/ida.app/Contents/MacOS/python” will contain the necessary Python components.

Platform Path to the IDA Pro python directory
Windows C:\Program Files\IDA 7.x\python
Linux $HOME/idapro-7.x/python
MacOS /Applications/IDA Pro/ida.app/Contents/MacOS/python

Within this directory contains the Python code for the IDAPython API. Due to the variations between both Python 2.x and Python 3.x, IDAPython splits its implementation and necessary files under the “python/2” directory for Python 2.x, and the “python/3” directory for Python 3.x. These subdirectories will contain the files for the familiar idc, idautils, and idaapi modules.

What’s important about the “python” subdirectory, however, is that the IDAPython plugin actually includes support for a conditional file (or a “kill file”) in order to determine whether a particular IDAPython plugin should be loaded or not. This is relevant in that the necessary file that’s used to determine whether the Python 2.x version of the IDAPython plugin should be loaded is located under this particular “python” subdirectory.

The name of this conditional file is “use_python”. If a file with this name is found by IDAPython under the “python” subdirectory as “python/use_python2”, the Python 3.x version of the IDAPython plugin will refuse to load thus resulting in only the Python 2.x version of the IDAPython plugin loading.

The following table loosely describes the path where IDA Pro may be installed on the platform, and the filename that must be created in order to prevent the Python 3.x version of the IDAPython plugin from loading.

Platform Path to file that needs to exist in order to load only Python 2.x
Windows C:\Program Files\IDA 7.x\python\use_python2
Linux $HOME/idapro-7.x/python/use_python
MacOS /Applications/IDA Pro/ida.app/Contents/MacOS/python/use_python The idapyswitch utility

On some platforms, this utility comes installed with the IDA Pro application. It is believed that by running this utility, one can explicitly specify which Python version that IDAPython should use. This is done by scanning for already installed instances of Python in the system’s standard location and then allowing you to choose one of them. For more information on this utility and how to use it, please review the article at [9].

1.6.3. Verifying the Python version used by IDAPython

Once the IDAPython plugin has been enabled, simply running the IDA Pro application will result in the plugin being loaded. At the bottom of the application’s user-interface is an input box that the user may use in order to execute Python code. This input box is the primary interface to Python’s REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop). To verify that the correct version of Python is in use by the plugin, one can execute the following code by typing it into the input box:

> import sys
> sys.version_info
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=10, micro=6, releaselevel='final', serial=0)

Examining the major version of the named tuple that has been returned shows that the Python 3.x version of the IDAPython plugin is currently being used. At this point, the user may continue to use the IDA-Minsc plugin with whatever other plugins or modules that are now available.


  1. Deprecations between Python 2.7 and 3.x — https://blog.python.org/2011/03/recent-discussion-on-python-dev.html
  2. Choosing Python version during installation — https://www.hex-rays.com/blog/ida-7-4-idapython-and-python-3/
  3. IDAPython and Python3 — https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/ida74_idapython_python3.shtml
  4. IDA Help: Plugin modules — https://www.hex-rays.com/products/ida/support/idadoc/536.shtml
  5. Dynamic linker (Windows) — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_linker#Microsoft_Windows
  6. Dynamic linker (Linux) — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_linker#Systems_using_ELF
  7. Dynamic linker (MacOS) — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_linker#macOS_and_iOS
  8. IDA and common Python issues — https://www.hex-rays.com/blog/ida-and-common-python-issues/
  9. idapyswitch — https://www.hex-rays.com/blog/tag/idapyswitch/